Holiday art any time of the year? YES! Holiday art is the #1 most licensed and marketable art you can create. Whether you want to be a licensed artist or create your own products, join this challenge as we cheerfully make holiday themed art for our portfolios using a design brief that I've created. You will walk away with a mini collection of art ready to pitch and create products from.

FREE Portfolio Building Challenge? SIGN ME UP!
Free Portfolio Building Challenge? Sign Me Up!


Day 1

Design Brief and Planning

Day 2

Hero Stand Alone Illustration

Day 3

Secondary Design For Support

Day 4

Blender Design To Pull It All Together

Day 5

Logo and Sell Sheet to Complete

I show you how to work from a design brief as if you are already licensing your work. I show you how to plan your mini collection so that the rest of the week is easy as pie!

The hero will be the "star" of your holiday collection. Create your hero illustration and use it as the jumping off point for developing the rest of your mini collection.

Don't feel like you are a "surface pattern designer"? Don't you worry! I'll show you a simple way to make a repeat coordinating pattern using elements from your hero illustration that really pop.

Let's make our holiday blender! What's a blender? It is a very simple repeating design. You can hand draw a blender. I'll show you how! Less is more with a blender pattern.

Every good collection has a logo and a sell sheet for ease of organization and pitching. We wrap up our challenge with this lesson so you are ready to share your work!

Join The Design Challenge!

This Free 5 Day Challenge will help you create a mini collection for the holidays.

Hello my design friends!

Inside of this completely FREE 5 day challenge, I'll teach you how to work from a design brief like you are already working as a licensed artist, making art for products.

Why holiday art? The holidays are when products sell, sell, SELL! And any time of year is a good time of year to make holiday art for licensing and products.

After this 5 day challenge, you will have a mini holiday collection that you can pitch for licensing or put on your own products. Sounds AMAZING, right?

I'm so pumped to see what you come up with! - Stacie Bloomfield

Hey friend!  I’m Stacie Bloomfield.

I’m an artist who KNEW in my gut that I would grow up to be one. Although, my success has been WILDLY different from what I predicted. In fact, it has far exceeded anything my mind could have imagined. 


After getting married and welcoming our first child, I put my dreams of being an artist on hold so that I could support my graduate student husband, all while balancing working full time at a coffee shop and trying to figure out motherhood.


I longed to find a way back to art, to be present for my kids, and to create income from my art so that I could support my family.

That was 12 years ago. What has happened in my life since then has been a mix of wins and growths - all leading me to have my designs in over 1000 stores and supporting my family through my art.

I am excited to teach you how you can do the same!

YAHOO! Let's Do This!