Holiday art any time of the year? YES! Holiday art is the #1 most licensed and marketable art you can create. Let's Get Started!

Click The Buttons Below To Jump To That Day's Challenge.

As the challenge progresses, each day's button will go from gray to color, and you will be able to access that day's (and any previous day's) instructions.

Day 1

Design Brief and Planning

Day 2

Hero Stand Alone Illustration

Day 3

Secondary Design For Support

Day 4

Blender Design To Pull It All Together

Day 5

Logo and Sell Sheet to Complete

Live Q&A

Zoom Q&A Replay


Day 1: Design Brief and Planning

I show you how to work from a design brief as if you are already licensing your work. I show you how to plan your mini collection so that the rest of the week is easy as pie!

Welcome to day 1 of our 5 day challenge. I am going to teach you how to work from a design brief to create marketable art for an imaginary client. Let's dive in!

Download your design brief below by clicking the red button. You will use this design brief during the entire challenge. It is a PDF document.

Today, I'm going to show you how to read your design brief, understand the desired outcomes of this challenge, and help you plan your 5 day challenge so that you end up with a solid 3 piece mini collection of holiday art. 

Share your daily work in our FREE Create and Grow FB Group and use #StacieBloomfield5DayChallenge

Download Design Brief Here

Day 2: Hero Stand Alone Illustration

The hero will be the "star" of your holiday collection. Create your hero illustration and use it as the jumping off point for developing the rest of your mini collection.

Welcome to day 2 of our 5 day challenge. Today you are going to use your thumbnail sketches from Day 1 as a jumping off point for making the first piece of your mini art collection: The Hero Illustration.

Let's make a Snowman together! Focus on using the color story given to you in the design brief, and try to infuse your own "signature style" into your snowman art. 

You can make your art in whatever medium you choose: hand drawn art, watercolor, vector art in Adobe Illustrator, or pixel based art in Procreate. You can use other mediums, too! Work in a way that you feel comfortable with.

Share your daily work in our FREE Create and Grow FB Group and use #StacieBloomfield5DayChallenge

Day 3: Secondary Design For Support

Don't feel like you are a "surface pattern designer"? Don't you worry! I'll show you how I make a repeat pattern and will link to other tutorials below.

Welcome to day 3 of our 5 day challenge. Today we are focusing on our second illustration which we will turn into a simple winter floral repeat pattern. 

I'm going to draw my pattern elements in ProCreate, then make my repeat pattern in Adobe Illustrator. 

You can also make patterns right in Procreate! I'm linking to some Skillshare Tutorials to help you make repeat patterns if you don't have Adobe Illlustrator:


Liz Kohler Brown: Create Pattern Collection On Your Ipad 

Tammy de Silva: Repeat Patterns for Beginners

Juliet Meeks: Create Handmade Repeat Patterns

Share your daily work in our FREE Create and Grow FB Group and use # #StacieBloomfield5DayChallenge

Day 4: Blender Design To Pull It All Together

Let's make our holiday blender! What's a blender? It is a very simple repeating design. You can hand draw a blender. I'll show you how! Less is more with a blender pattern.


Welcome to day 4 of our 5 day challenge. Today we are making our 3rd illustration for our low volume/blender pattern.

After yesterday's crash course in pattern making, today will feel breezy!

Share your daily work in our FREE Create and Grow FB Group and use # #StacieBloomfield5DayChallenge

Day 5: Logo and Sell Sheet to Complete

Every good collection has a logo and a sell sheet for ease of organization and pitching. We wrap up our challenge with this lesson so you are ready to share your work!


Welcome to day 5 of our 5 day challenge. We made it! Today we are making a simple sell sheet and a logo for our collection.

This is the final part of bringing your collection to life. You will have all of your artwork on one page, plus you will name your collection and create a simple single color logo. I'll show you exactly how to do it!

Share your daily work in our FREE Create and Grow FB Group and use # #StacieBloomfield5DayChallenge


LIVE Q&A Playback

If you couldn't attend our LIVE Q&A, we recorded it for you!


Watch the Replay of my LIVE Q&A by watching above or click HERE to watch it directly through zoom.