PortfolioPro: A brand new brief in your mailbox each month


Do you want to gain confidence in your portfolio BEFORE you pitch it to clients?

That's why we've created monthly Design Briefs for artists! One of our most popular features (previously only available in our exclusive course and membership) can now be delivered to your inbox monthly at an affordable cost!

Not only will designing using these briefs help you create an amazing collection of work for your portfolio to attract your dream clients, but you will also gain experience using professional creative assignments!


So, what exactly is a Design Brief?

Well, it's like an design assignment that helps you create art for products that people want to buy! If you want to be a "pro" at working with clients and brands in the future, design briefs will give you the practice that you need.

Each design brief gives you a detailed art assignment from an imaginary client, and includes details like what the project is, the customer you are designing for, what colors to use, and how the files should be set up. We even show you some similar products so you can know where your art will fit in the market.

The PortfolioPro subscription will send you monthly briefs providing art direction for a variety of projects so you can build a well-rounded portfolio!


 If you need to level up your art and dream of someday designing fabric, stationery, wall art, and home decor, joining PortfolioPro is the next step to take.

Do Design Briefs Really Help Artists
Become 'PortfolioPros'? 

YES! Read about artists who have used our design briefs to make marketable art that turned into products, licensing deals, and press features!

"In 2022 I built a collection around an illustration I had done from a 2020 map design brief. It became my 5th fabric collection and was released in early 2023."

Lysa Flower

"Stacie's design briefs are not only a great way to get out of your comfort zone and build your portfolio, but you can actually USE the work to pitch and get awesome opportunities! It was such an incredible experience to flip over issue #53 of Uppercase and see my art."

Shirlee Fischer

"I loved [the design briefs] because [they] gave me ‘assignments’ on topics I may not have thought of. For the brief to design a map I knew immediately I wanted to choose one of my all time favorite cities, Boston. [...] A few years later, the manager of the REI store in Cambridge [...] reached out to ask if I’d be interested in being a part of the local artists series at REI, specifically to sell my Boston image.”

Sarah May

“Having structured, easy-to-follow design briefs has helped me grow as a surface designer. Having a finished product in my portfolio ready to go saved me time and mental effort, which is so important as a busy business owner.”

Chrystel Galea

You may be wondering why design briefs are so beneficial to growing a professionally curated portfolio. I've worked very hard to craft detailed and inspiring art direction–based on my own professional experience–that will take your art to the next level.

Hone in on Your Unique Style

Discover and develop your unique style by creating art consistently and learn to apply your style across different categories and clients.

Affordable Investment

You can make marketable artwork for the cost of a standard Netflix subscription or 3 oat milk lattes from the comfort of your own home. Cancel anytime you want.

Diversify Your Portfolio

Attract potential clients and employers by building a well-rounded portfolio that showcases your versatility and ability to tackle various subjects and styles.

Make Your Art Marketable

Complete the design briefs to attract potential clients and showcase your proficiency in creating commercially viable artwork.

Challenge Your Creativity

You will receive a new design brief every month, providing a consistent source of creative challenges that will encourage you to experiment and push your creative boundaries.

Learn in a Structured Way

Become more adaptable and learn how to meet client expectations by working within the constraints of a professional design brief.

Work Like a Pro

Gain valuable experience in working with real-world inspired projects with specific requirements and deadlines. Get used to professional brief terminology. You'll be ready for client work and collaborations in no time!

Practice Time Management Skills

Learn how to manage your time efficiently with monthly deadlines–a crucial skill for freelancers and artists working on commission or multiple projects simultaneously.

If you are an artist who feels STUCK and uninspired, and have been procrastinating on your portfolio growth...

It is time to take action, build a consistent art practice, and fill your portfolio with marketable art!

Let PortfolioPro Design Briefs be the tool that takes your productivity to the next level, guides you towards making marketable art, and helps you to find your style.

Intentional Art Direction to Grow a Portfolio That Sells.
Get a professional design assignment for building your portfolio every month. Each brief includes:

A Fictional Retailer

The name of a fictitious client who requested the design

A Theme

A general theme of the assignment, an introduction to the brief

An Assignment

What exactly you are asked to design and for what product category

Customer Profile

Who is your client's target audience i.e. who is the product for


Examples of existing competition for the product you're designing for

File Specifications

The size, type and resolution of the final file the client needs from you

A Color Story

Detailed specification of the colors your client would like you to use

Market Examples

Examples of similar products that are already available on the market


Hi. I’m Stacie Bloomfield.

I’m an illustrator, licensed artist and owner of my own stationery company called Gingiber.

I've been exactly where you are – dreaming dreaming of having a career as an artist. I graduated with an art degree, but then became a coffee shop manager because I didn't know how to make money with my art. I started selling my own artwork online. I realized that I could leverage my artwork by selling products wholesale, licensing my art, doing custom work, and creating book illustrations. The possibilities seemed endless!

Now over a decade later my products are carried in over 1000 brick and mortar shops. I’ve taken those same designs on my own products and have licensed them with major brands such as Moda Fabrics, Crate and Barrel, Williams Sonoma, and more. I’m passionate about illustration and teaching creatives how they can leverage their art into a career.

You have the ability to create a body of work that will sell well.

I'll help you build a show-stopping portfolio using monthly professional design assignments.

Why learn from me, Stacie Bloomfield?

Today I run a multiple six-figure art and illustration business. But 13 years ago, I was exactly where you are right now.

I have over a decade of experience actually doing the things I teach about. I went from a coffee shop manager to a thriving illustrator who consistently signs art licensing deals, launches new products, and has their line in over 1,000 brick and mortar shops. I'm the PERFECT PERSON to guide you as you begin to write your own art business story.

The PortfolioPro Design Brief subscription will help you grow a portfolio that is ready to pitch to your dream clients.

You will walk away with confidence in your profitable portfolio and a better understanding WHO you are designing for in the first place.


YAY! You are about to join PortfolioPro! 

Grow Your Portfolio & Join Today!