The Enrollment for the Art Side Hustle School May 2024 is closed.


For all the creatives who:

Want to start an art side hustle in the margins of life.

Don't want to carry inventory and sell physical products.

Aren't ready to hop into Art Licensing.

Need someone to show them
 from Start to Finish how to set up a side hustle.

Side Hustle School offers 3 ways to bring your side hustle to life!

Join me, Stacie Bloomfield, for a week-long series of 3 in-depth masterclasses where I teach you three FUN and MONEY MAKING side hustles:

1. Creating and Selling Products through Print on Demand
2. Selling Original Works of Art
3. Amazon KDP Publishing

What are the Masterclasses Stacie is Teaching?

And how will Side Hustle School work with my busy schedule?

Join Stacie Bloomfield as she teaches you from start to finish how to set up side hustles so that you can make money from your art.

Here's the structure of Side Hustle School:

NONE of these side hustles involve carrying inventory, so ANYONE can join this program and immediately put into what you've learned to launch your art side hustle. 

The Side Hustle Masterclasses

LIFETIME ACCESS: You can enroll in Side Hustle School and even if you cannot attend the masterclasses live, still participate and launch your side hustle

Print on Demand

Monday, May 13th
6-8 PM Central Time

Recorded for replay and you will have lifetime access!


Wednesday, May 15th
6-8 PM Central Time

Recorded for replay and you will have lifetime access!

KPD Publishing

Friday, May 17th
6-8 PM Central Time

Recorded for replay and you will have lifetime access!

Who Is This For?

  • Anyone ready to take their side hustle dreams and make them happen
  • Someone who needs guidance on how to make the most of their limited time.
  • Someone who is looking for balance and ready to thrive amidst the hustle

Who Is This Not For?

  • Someone who doesn't like to dream and isn't open to new ideas and strategies.
  • Someone who doesn't want in-depth information on making money in the margins of life.
  • Anyone who has it all together - who has found that perfect work-life balance

Side Hustle School Will Show You How To:

Create a side hustle from start to finish.

Master money-making opportunities that fit your hectic days.

Sell products with your art on them without inventory.

Plan effectively, balancing creativity with practicality.

Put your creative dreams into motion.

Side Hustle School Will Show You How To:

Create a side hustle from start to finish.

Master money-making opportunities that fit your hectic days.

Embrace techniques that turn every minute into progress.

Plan effectively, balancing creativity with practicality.

Overcome creative blocks and emotional hurdles.

Ready? Let's build your side hustle!

Hi. I'm Stacie Bloomfield.

I’m an illustrator, licensed artist and owner of my own stationery company called Gingiber.

I've Helped 4,000 Talented Artist Create Income From Art. You're next.

Transform your passion into a lucrative career with practical steps and guidance.

Monetize your art and create a sustainable income stream from your creative endeavors.

I've been there. I know what it feels like to feel like I can't afford to invest in a creative career class right now. or I don't have time to commit to a creative career class.

But also knowing - there has to be a way!

For years I desperately craved a Artistic Career Roadmap or a Artistic Career Roadmap to help me Unsure of how to take the leap from hobbyist to successful art entrepreneur.

At the time, it didn't exist, so I decided to create it!

My Art Side Hustle School will help you take actionable steps towards building a thriving art business and career.

Join Side Hustle School today!

We have BONUSES just for you!

Private Facebook Community
Gain access to our exclusive Facebook community for one month!

The Set and Forget Social System
Create social media content and grow your audience so you can grow your business. (Regularly $197)

Product Description Writing Tool
Access to a tool that will write your product descriptions on Etsy or any other sales platform on our list so you don't have to!

Let's recap everything you will get inside of Side Hustle School:

✓  3 Art Side Hustle Masterclasses taught live via Zoom. These masterclasses will take place on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 PM Central Time and will be available for replay.


 ✓  3 Live Group Coaching Sessions. These sessions will be held on zoom, immediately following each masterclass, to help give you clarity on your next steps.


✓  BONUS 1: A private facebook community that you will have access to for 1 month.

✓  BONUS 2: The Set and Forget Social System. Create social media content and grow your audience so you can grow your business. (Regularly $197)

✓  BONUS 3: Access to a tool that will write your product descriptions on Etsy or any other sales platform on our list so you don't have to!


✓  LIFETIME ACCESS. You receive lifetime access to the content of the course!









Frequently Asked Questions